"SUP with HIM...."

Personal Life Coach

Personal Life Coach
Motivational Speaker

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Meet our “Prophet in training”

noun: prophet; plural noun: prophets;
  1. 1.
    a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.
It is a grave and solemn responsibility for one to refer to themselves as a “Prophet in Training” as I consider myself to be. However, I base my qualification to be described as such not only on the meager words of a dictionary description, but also I attempt to hold myself to the highest standard that can be put against anyone, and that is the Word of God Himself.

I believe that the litmus test of being a “Prophet in Training” must consists of that person merely holding themselves next to all of the experiences that are described of previous known and accepted Prophets of God, and then draw the comparison.

Referring to myself as a “Prophet in Training” I am humbly stepping away from the awesome recognition of what it would really mean to be a true full fledged Prophet of the Almighty. Being a “Prophet in Training” helps me to admit to myself that I am not perfect, and that I must continue to seek wisdom and guidance from God. Therefore, only the people who I come in contact with will ever be able to testify as to if I can be regarded as an “inspired” teacher, while my own actions will testify as to whether or not I follow the will of God. Neither of these prerequisites are within my own singular sphere of influence to obtain or claim the title as Prophet in Training.

Lastly, referring to myself as a Prophet in Training is my own testimony to my imperfections. However, it is exactly because of these imperfections that I boldly present myself before the throne of God as someone willing to do His will. If, for example, I were ever to compare myself with Moses, the only Prophet to ever ask God to see His likeness, and was granted this privilege, even after he had committed murder, as well as the Prophet David, known as God’s “friend”, who’s failures in family and life are well documented for all to see and know, that God knows of our imperfections, and has provided a way to make us acceptable to Him, through His Son (Jesus Christ) even in our imperfect state.

Therefore, it is for these reasons, that I am able to represent myself as a “Prophet in Training”, without hesitation or reservation.

Why hire me to help you ?

Why hire me to help motivate you or your group in your particular situation???
The answer is quite simple. It is because I have a unique way to communicate to people on how to get things done !! I don’t just “talk the talk” to motivate people. I have actually “walked the walk” as well. My life achievements, qualifications, experiences, (both actual and practical) are all testimonies as to my capable and proven abilities.
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However, don’t let my success in sports lead you to believe that I am just a “one dimensional” success story. I have learned to take my training in sports and how to use it in all facets of life from being a certified Aerobics teacher, to a trained firefighter, Emergency Medical Technician, and successful businessman.
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The secret is that everybody has the ability within themselves to “harness” the same success in their own lives, but they must know how to find it, and then use it before they can take advantage of it. Sports was my “key” to understanding the secret to self success, however, it is NOT the only key. The fact is that there are many “keys” to self success, and everybody has one. They may not know it, and that is where I come in to show them where it is.
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My no nonsense down to earth, realistic and truthful approach to just about any situation is easy to relate to and understand. Like a doctor who can look up in a medical journal specifics of an illness that he or she has never encountered before in an effort to treat it successfully, or an attorney who can reference previous case law to determine what is an appropriate legal stance, I don’t need to guess about your situation, because chances are I have already experienced it in either one way or another, or I have had practical case studies to familiarize myself with what I haven’t experienced.
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  • Adidas High School All American
  • Sports Illustrated “Faces in the Crowd” feature
  • Citizen Savings Player of the Year
  • Flecto Football Player of the Year
  • San Francisco Tribune Player of the Year
  • Argus Newspaper Player of the Year
  • Oakland Tribune Player of the Year
  • North Coast Section (Undefeated) Championship Team (Football)
  • MSJ Hall of Fame (Football)
  • Voted (unanimously) most likely to become legend in their own time
  • Ohlone J.C. Player of the Year (Football)
  • California J.C. Player of the Year (Football)
  • University of California Berkeley Football scholarship
  • Professional Football Player (NFL & CFL)
  • Owner CPHC private Health Club
  • Owner San Lorenzo Athletic Club
  • Owner CPHC Private Health Club Clothing line.
  • Owner NeverLostGolf Company
  • Worked as Diplomatic Ambassador At Large
  • Inventor
  • Self made successful businessman


  • High School graduate
  • Junior College graduate
  • Major College scholarship award winner
  • Physical Education Teacher (asst.)
  • Qualified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
  • Trained Firefighter
  • Defibrillator trained and certified
  • CPR trained and certified
  • Certified Aerobics Teacher
  • Martial Arts Training
  • Amateur golf trainer
  • Published Author with Amazon and iTunes book stores
  • Advanced computer skills
  • Computer technician
  • Movie & Video Producer
  • Theologist (n.c.)
  • Multi lingual (Fluent)

Practical Experiences

  • Worked in Fire rescue department and have dealt with numerous life and death situations as well as casualty situations.
  • Have met with Heads of State, Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Senators, and CEO’s of Fortune 500 Companies to discuss various business opportunities and possibilities.
  • Extraordinary negotiating talents

Life Experiences

  • Traveled world-wide interacting with different peoples and cultures
  • Have met with influential people in many different sectors of society.
  • As Fire rescue and EMT rescue have experienced saving lives as well as being present in the loss of life.

Motivational Themes

  • “What If”……..
  • Prison: A reality check
  • How to survive in the real world
  • How to handle peer pressure
  • How to be a born leader
I have developed a “one on one” training technique using active universal sporting activities that I am sure will help you regain your concentration and confidence in no matter what situation you may be faced with, and no matter how old you may be. Naturally I will consider every opportunity and circumstance to work with. If you have a life challenge that you need to help solve, then don’t hesitate to contact me so that I can help you with it.

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